“The Foundation Of All Divine Religions Is One”
– Abdu’l-Baha
The foundation of all the divine religions is one. All are based upon reality. Reality does not admit plurality, yet amongst mankind there have arisen differences concerning the manifestations of God. Some have been Buddhists, some Jews, Christians, Muslims and so on. This has become a source of divergence whereas the teachings of the holy souls who founded the divine religions are one in essence and reality.
All these have served the world of humanity, all these have guided souls to the attainment of perfections, but among the nations certain imitations of ancestral forms of worship have arisen. These imitations are not the foundation and essence of the divine religions. Inasmuch as they differ from the reality and the essential teachings of the Manifestations of God, dissentions have arisen and prejudice has developed. Religious prejudice thus becomes the cause of warfare and battle.
If we abandon these timeworn blind imitations and investigate reality, all of us will be unified. No discord will remain: antagonism will disappear. All will associate in fellowship. All will enjoy the cordial bonds friendship. The world of creation will then attain composure. The dark and gloomy clouds of blind imitations and dogmatic variances will be scattered and dispelled; the Sun of Reality will shine most gloriously.